
Three Layers Polyamide Quick Peel Off Sausage Casings

More and more meat products are peeled and sliced in house. The demand for suitable casings in this sector is increasing respectively. Casings for in-house peeling and slicing need different characteristics from those used for products on the self-service shelf. Dalong has developed an extensive range of products for these applications.





More and more meat products are peeled and sliced in house. The demand for suitable casings in this sector is increasing respectively. Casings for in-house peeling and slicing need different characteristics from those used for products on the self-service shelf. Dalong has developed an extensive range of products for these applications.


The most import characteristics of slicer casings are in general:


Exact Caliber from one end to the other, even for long and heavy logs.


Alternatively a flexible casing that adapts well to a rectangular or square metal mold.


In some cases the casing needs to be prestuck in order to fill whole muscle pieces without air inclusions.


The casing should not split during cooking, even when the temperature probe is set, since a large log of meat could be lost.


The casing should be peel off swiftly without leaving any meat residues on the film surface. The feature has particular importance when slicing machines are used.




Three layers polymer casing from polyamide for applications where an accurate caliber is critical. The casing can be prestuck if required. Generally probe resistant during cooking. There is an easy-peel version.


Caliber Range

From caliber 16 to 200mm


The diameter measurement refers to the nominal caliber before stuffing, the casing is filled about 8% above the indicated caliber.






Reels, sticks



Generally 36 months